Monday, May 26, 2014

New Memory

What if one day I were to lose my memory, what happens then? Whats a good movie to display such an event? But yeah, and most importantly what happens to my view on christianity? Do I no longer belong to Christ and have been removed from the family?

Interesting question that came to me suddenly and after spending some time thinking about it. I still don't know the answer, and I probably would never know either.

So here goes on my chain of thoughts.

While cycling I had the time to think through and wonder what would happen to me. The least I know that my family would do all they can to remind me of who I was. Constantly reminding me of my friends, the stories of the scars I got and so much more.

Having mention of my family who would do all they can to remind me of them and what part I had as a family. How much more would my Father in heaven do. I can only just imagine on how he would pursue a lost child who was once in his arms. A Father who would do everything and anything to get my attention. To remind me of the good all days. The wonder and stories that He has painted so carefully and beautifully. Assuring me the identity thats secured in Him. And the best part is, he has been doing that and in fact already done it. All at the cross. His earnest pursuit for his sons and daughters are unimaginable.

As much as I fear of not knowing the outcome and answer to what might happen. I rest secure in the loving nature of Jesus. I guess sometimes its not all about getting the answers. But trusting in  person who leads the journey, or any other similar scenario.

*Chong got a PS4, woo hoo*


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