Saturday, March 29, 2014

I am Imperfect, but......

How can one say that he or she is perfect? As much as I agree it is a good idea to achieve. But who sets or defines the standard that makes it objective? Is there even one?  Who do we truly know when we reach the finish line. It's quite obvious isn't it. We can't and will never reach there. Unless of course you lower your standard and therefore fulfilling your own subjective opinion of "Perfect". Thinking about the idea of a "Perfect Person", I can only link it with something of divinity.

Having mention and questioning this "perfect" topic. I do not intend to discourage people who are working hard to build up some form of excellence in their dream or task. Neither do I slack around dumbfounded over the fact I can never be perfect. And instead of living this way, I find it easier to accept that I am in fact imperfect, and that there will always be things needing to fix, things that will malfunction (have glitches) again. 

Having establish that "being perfect" in an objective sense is impossible and the sooner I accepted that, I could move on towards life knowing I am in fact limited and don't know it all. I was not born to be perfect on my own! Instead of feeling "not good enough" and halting every progress in session, I honestly and truly find confidence and hope in Jesus Christ. (For others with much doubt and skepticism around my Saviour I would not discuss here).

In Christ He has made me perfect, it may not look like the latest oxford dictionary definition of "perfect", but if God is perfect and he says I'm perfect. Then it is true. Many a times whenever I think I'm not good enough or not worthy of whatever, I find myself consistently being reminded of the cross. Thinking, if He (my God,my Lover, my Saviour) is willing to go to that extend (till the cross). Then I am a long long away from being unloved, from being unworthy, form being "not good enough".   

What is it then for me or for you? Why waste time and effort in attaining a goal thats unreachable? How about this instead, as life is given (as a gift) to us right now, and not wanting to waste or take for granted a precious gift. I work and use it as well as I can. To illustrate this simple concept more clearly, I would used an analogy of a bookmark. As cheap as we know it can get and neglect  its value, but if it was given to us as a gift. We would naturally not want to waste it, even if we don't read, we'll somehow find a way to make use of it. 

Think life as a gift, a journey, and adventure. Of course having goals and dreams are a great thing, but it should only act as a medium to bring us further, not to distract us.

So it's high time to go out and live, fail and enjoy whatever comes next.


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